Tuesday, May 31, 2011


So I'm setting up for it to be a fat and sweet summer.

The boys are gaga over these two books. I've had to drag Elliot out of the cupboard twice now - all he wants to do is pull down all of the the sprinkles and decorating supplies and get them set up in individual cups that would rival a Martha Stewart spread. Felix just wants ducks. I'm holding out as long as I can, but I know my days are numbered - I did buy the books, afterall. And then the sweet, sweet cuteness will be all mine. Maybe I should start doing an extra workout on the treadmill everyday now, so I can (over)indulge later.

In addition to fat and sweet, I sense our summer is going to be dirty.

Spent the morning in the backyard with Elliot today. We scrubbed out the wading pool, filled it and dragged the slide over to make bigger splashes. In the giant bare patch the pool made last year (hot plastic in the same spot for a few days = no grass and lots of dirt. The upside is no weeds there, either!) It's the perfect spot for mudpies. And mudbaths. We may charge admission.

I also spy lots of adventure over the summer.
Elliot has got it in his head that we're going to go berry picking. (Ok, I may or may not have put that thought there. But we'll need to corral Felix. I remember many a summer spent at the strawberry u-pick after my mother had convinced the attendant that we were good kids and good pickers. Felix is not. I may not even going to consider it this year!) Elliot is desperate to go pick our own blueberries, strawberries, raspberries and blackberries. Luckily, we have several prolific raspberry bushes in our very own backyard, but there will be many day trips planned this summer, since we finally have a car! Trips to the farm. The beach. Camping. (Yes, we're actually going to brave the wilderness with our feral children and a tent. We're going to outsmart them, though, and maybe stay in a cabin somewhere for our first excursion.)

The countdown is on. The boys have 13 days of daycare left between now and the end of the month. I'm going to use the time to catch up on my reading and bookkeeping and appointments and then it begins. I'm kinda giddy thinking about it now, not simply terrified. It's been a while since I had them both home with me for any length of time. It didn't end well last time. But I've had an upswing in my moods lately. Might be the SUN that's finally here after more than a month of rain, could be that the PPD is finally, truly gone. Whatever it is, i'mma embrace it!

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