Monday, June 22, 2009

Mmmm Fudge

Freezer Fudge - a 'healthy' alternative

1 cup cocoa
1 cup natural nut butter
3/4 cup pure maple syrup
2-3 TBSP water

Warm the nut butter (I usually use peanut butter, as it's what I have on hand), either in small pot on stove or in microwave. Mix in cocoa, water and maple syrup. Pat flat into freezer safe container. Freeze. Enjoy!

It's best to use all natural ingredients: 'peanut only' butter, for example, and pure maple syrup, not Aunt Jemima! Since the nut butter is a good protein source and there wouldn't be any/many refined sugars, it would be a bit filling and should satisfy a chocolate or fudge craving without tempting you to go overboard and eat the whole pan in one sitting. In theory.

It makes a very bold flavoured 'fudge', dark chocolate fans should enjoy it. I brought this to a party once, but it wasn't a bit hit, since it's not sweet & creamy like traditional fudge. Oh well, I don't like traditional fudge, so more for me!

Today, I was out of maple syrup, so used about half a cup of brown sugar, which I melted with some water in a pot on the stove. I added the last few drops of maple syrup in the bottle and added a tiny splash of vanilla, then mixed in the cocoa and peanut butter. It's sweeter than usual, and a good variation. Next time I think I might try a different kind of butter - maybe almond or hazelnut - and add a splash of mint extract.

Mmmm. Fitting, since today is very rainy. If only the kids could amuse themselves safely long enough for me to curl up with a good book, a cup of coffee and a few pieces of my fudge. If only....

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