Sunday, August 9, 2009

CDing the older child

At nearly 3 years old and 34 lbs, Elliot's mainly in Fuzzi Bunz pocket diapers these days. He's in daycare 2 days a week and wears disposables there. He also wears disposables at night. I'm debating putting him in 'sposies full time now. I don't really want to, as we've been CDing since he was a newborn and it just seems to defeat the purpose, but, if he's in a FB when we go out, they leak. Every time. It's the way he sits in the stroller, or walks or something. I can usually get 2-3 hours out of him before it's time for a change, but when we're out, it's 1-2, max, and usually involves a huge leak and a change of pants. So I've taken to putting him in 'sposies when we leave the house, too. And he fights changes something wicked. He can go all day in 2-4 disposables, depending on how many times he poops.

I'm researching other CDs that are good for toddlers. He's outgrown the large Sandys diapers that I also like - but I know they have toddler size and may look into that. I was just hoping to not have to restock a bunch of CDs at this age. I'm also trying to find different inserts to stuff the FBs with that might be more absorbent. I'm sure the current (original) insert is partly at fault, but the dipes themselves are fitting differently now, too. I don't like using hemp inserts, as I find they really stink over time, but maybe I've just been using the wrong kind? But hemp or bamboo would probably be the most absorbent, while still staying trim fitting. I've seen a microfiber/hemp combo that might work. Or maybe I just need a thicker, fresher microfiber...

Ugh, I don't want to give in and go to disposables, but they're so easy. And mostly leak proof. But stopping CDs now might give him that much more incentive to stay in diapers. So far, he's been refusing potty training. I'm too exhausted and busy chasing Felix to push him, plus I don't want to push him too hard. I figure he'll be ready when he's ready. (Though I know I missed the best window - it was at the same time Felix was born. That's when Elliot showed the most interest in PTing. He peed on the potty a few times and even asked to go once when we were in the mall - and did, when I rushed him to the family washroom. But then after that, he'd ask to go when we were out, we'd rush there and get all ready, then he'd say "Not today. Maybe tomorrow.")

For recent potty training, I've tried taking diapers away and letting him go naked around the house (and tried fun boy print underwear) but he fights it. He threw the potty at me one day. Thankfully, it was empty at the time. I thought with the warmer weather he'd be interested in running around the backyard naked, but no dice there, either. (Except in the wading pool - he demands to be naked there, and yesterday he told me that his "penis peed a lot" while he was in the water. A start, I guess.)

At least I feel semi-ok about the disposable diapers he uses now: a new, store brand dipe, the PC Green diapers that are fragrance free and made with wood pulp. They are a reasonable price, too... but I think they're mostly reasonable because we're not using them full time. His size comes in a pack of 40 for $16. They were on sale this week, for $12.99, so we stocked up...

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